There are 145,888 items worth $31,261,863 on
How to search
Give it a try, enter the search term pump in the search box above and click "Search For Parts". You may also search by part number, if you have one, by simply entering it in the box. If you are looking
for something literal such as "pump motor", simply enclose it in double quotations like this "pump motor". If you want it to be a Whirlpool pump motor, your search should look like this: Whirlpool "pump motor" or Whirlpool pump motor.
Basic - You can browse, connect with sellers, and buy items.
Regular w/ Listing - You can do everything you can with the basic account. Along with that, you may also list and sell a limited amount of items. Must carry a positive credit balance.
Wholesale - You can do everything with a wholesale account that the other two can do, but there is an additional column, for you to list wholesale price of the part. This turns your account into a very easy to use inventory system. The wholesale pricing is only viewable by the personnel that has the accounts, email and password. Must carry a positive credit balance. is a subscription based platform, for the price of less than a cup of coffee per month, you get all the advantages of the platform. Entry-Level users can list upto 500 unique part numbers, this subscription is just $3.40/mo, 500 to 1000 cost $5/mo , 1000 to 1500 = $10/mo, and More than 1500 is $15/mo. We also can bill yearly ! Just ask for that option :-)
Are there pictures of the Items listed on
No, this strictly a text based system, originally designed for professional businesses. It is assumed that you know the part number and/or description of what you need.
I already have my inventory on the computer. Does accept all file types?
No, the file must be a CSV (comma separated value) file and in the correct order: "part Name","Part number","manufacture","description","quantity","list price","salvage price", "wholesale price".
This way, it is possible to upload your entire inventory in seconds. also offers a conversion service for a small fee.
No, only those people that have the accounts email and password. All first time registers are defaulted to "regular status" until they have gone through the process of achieving wholesale status. This feature is ONLY for in-house use (inventory control).
Is there a phone number that I can call for questions?
Yes, call 218-242-1783 and our friendly staff will answer any of your questions. If you get the answering machine, just leave a message and we will return your call.